Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma’s discovery Nisha aka Priyanka Kothari says she has learnt to enjoy the controversies that surround her because they are an intrinsic part of an actor’s career.”I don’t feel bad when my name figures in controversies. I didn’t do anything consciously to be a part of those controversies, but controversies surround me. Now, I enjoy controversies and look at their positive side.However, she doesn’t like it when she is romantically linked with her mentor Varma.”Don’t ascribe things that do not relate to me. Varmaji was only a director to me and I remained an actress of his films,” Nisha said when asked about her present equations with the filmmaker.Nisha debuted with a cameo in Varma’s Sarkar followed by a full-fledged role in his crime thriller James. She also featured as Basanti in Ram Gopal Verma Ki Aag, a remake of the 1975 hit Sholay.She was also in the news for her skin show on screen, but the actress doesn’t regret it.When her career didn’t take off in Bollywood, Nisha reverted to her original name Priyanka and moved down south.
But her first Telugu film Okka Magaadu, in which she was paired with
But her first Telugu film Okka Magaadu, in which she was paired with
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